The Jarrod Dearden Memorial Fund was created in 2011 to honor the memory of Jarrod Dearden, who lost his life in a plane crash in 2010.

This fund benefits schools in Weber County by giving money for needed supplies and to help art, athletic and music programs. The fund is designated for helping students and student programs and cannot be used for any school improvements.

The fund has:Jarrod Dearden

  • Provided a scholarship to a Weber High School student
  • Provided a letterman’s jacket to a student whose family couldn’t afford it
  • Funded smart boards for classrooms in 3 different schools
  • Funded music/instrument stands and choir needs in two schools
  • Funded cameras for improved school security
  • Provided funding for school athletic programs (new uniforms)
  • Assisted with funding for theater programs
  • Assisted with the purchase of a district-wide microphone system for classroom teachers
  • Funded books for English departments
  • For 2024, the fund assisted with funding for the new Teen Center at Weber High School. The center provides hot showers, clothing and hygiene needs for students that are in need.

The fund has provided funds to schools every year since 2011. Overall, this fund has been able to assist the school district with over $25,000 in donations.