• Section 1. The name of the organization shall be Northern Utah Mustang Owners Association hereafter known as “Association”, “Club”, or “NUMOA”.


  • Section 1. The general purpose of this club, maintained as a non-profit organization, is to provide an association for people to share common interests in Mustangs and other Ford vehicles. The club promotes social interaction, knowledge, technical advice, and other activities of interest.
    The club also strives to contribute to the community by choosing and donating funds and resources to a charitable organization.


  • Section 1. The club shall have an emblem of a logo containing the club name and any other current additions as decided by the Officers and Club Membership.


  • Section 1. Associate Member
    Any Club Member who is current with their annual dues.
  • Section 2 Active Member
    Active membership is granted to all associate members who attend at least 50% of the scheduled monthly meetings
  • Section 3. Honorary member
    A complimentary membership granted by the Executive Board to individuals or organizations who provide outstanding recognition or value to the Club as a whole. Honorary memberships are typically granted to those who are not able to be active members but serve an exclusive benefit to the Club.
  • Section 4. Dues
    Dues shall be set by the Executive board and will be for a (12) month period commencing with the date of receipt by the Club. A grace period of (2) months shall be given for payment of delinquent dues. After this period the annual renewal cycle shall begin after payment of dues.
  • Section 5. Operators License and Insurance
    Each member who participates in Club activities and operates a motor vehicle must have a current vehicle operator’s license and must carry at least the minimum amount of insurance as required by his/her home state of residence.


  • Section 1. The following shall be cause for termination of Club Membership
    A. (2) months delinquency of dues
    B. Any breach of the bylaws of this Association
    C. Flagrant and/or frequent violations of state and/or local traffic laws or ordinances.
    D. For any reason deemed detrimental or injurious to this Association as decide by majority vote of the Executive Board.
    E. Voluntary resignation.
  • Section 2. No refund of dues shall be given in case of termination from the Club.


  • Section 1. There shall be an Executive Board consisting of the Club Officers and the past year President. This Board will serve in an administrative capacity and shall authorize expenditures and activities as contained with the bylaws.
  • Section 2. The following people shall be Officers of the Association and shall conduct duties usually pertaining to their office and other duties mentioned in the bylaws. Some offices may be combined together or co chaired by more than one person
  • Section 2.1 President
    Shall have general supervision, direction, and control of the club. Shall appoint committees, delegate as required, and perform any other duties of this office. This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.2 Vice-president
    Supports the President where required and presides at club meetings, etc. when President cannot attend. Vice-president rotates to President in the following year. Vice President assumes the duties of President if the position is vacated prior to the end of the year. The Executive Board shall determine whether the newly appointed President shall also serve the next year and how the vacant Vice President position shall be handled.
    Also provides club promoting articles, notices, etc. to various publications. Communicates with other clubs as needed. Establishes NUMOA on appropriate websites so as to maximize exposure and allow interested parties to obtain club information via the internet.
    This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.3 Secretary
    Keeps detailed minutes of Executive Board meetings and general notes of the monthly club meetings. Records and organizes any pertinent club documents. This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.4 Treasurer/Membership
    Keeps record of money’s received and dispensed in accordance with the mandate of the Executive Board and the Club Bylaws. He/ She will make a statement of the Club account(s) available whenever required throughout the year. Dues shall be collected and administered through this office.
    Maintains records of new/old club members and sends updated membership label list to Newsletter Coordinator each month.
    Will hold office for a minimum of (2) years.
    This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.5 Activities Chairperson
    Coordinates club activities including the monthly club meeting and any other events not overseen by another Officer or designated Club Member.
  • Section 2.6 Show/Trip Chairperson
    Coordinates club trips or other club sponsored events. Although not absolute, this generally applies to non-local activities. Maintains a system that allows club members to find other members who wish to attend the same events.
  • Section 2.7 Newsletter
    Produces the monthly club newsletter. Forwards information to webmaster for posting on the Club website. Directs any financial revenue from advertising or other income to the Club Treasurer.
  • Section 2.8 Technical Advisor
    Provides technical advice to Club Members. This can be done through the Club newsletter, website, “Tech Nights”, or other convenient means.
  • Section 2.9 Webmaster
    Maintains the club website with current information. Updates site promptly with items provided by any Club Officer. Maintains the site with data related to interests of the club, links as approved by the Executive Board, and ensures that any financial revenue is directed to the Club Treasurer.
  • Section 2.10 Intermountain Mustang and Ford Stampede (IMAFS) Chairperson
    Coordinates the annual NUMOA car show. Has the authority to hold meetings and subcommittees as required to plan and execute the event. Acts as liaison between the event financial dealings and the Club Treasurer to ensure accurate records are kept. Communicates as required with the Executive Board for any show decisions that directly relate to the Club.
    This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.11 IMAFS Co-Chairperson
    Helps the IMAFS Chairperson and conducts Car Show meetings when the Chairperson cannot attend. Rotates to Chairperson in the following year
    This officer must be an active club member with at least (2) years of club membership.
  • Section 2.12 Sponsor Liaison
    Works with current sponsors to assure we are meeting their expectations, develops and continues working the relationship to build trust and future support. Gets sponsor “Logos” and advertise the sponsors business in out newsletter. Networks with car care companies to expose new sample products to our club members. Cultivates new sponsors for the club, gathers donations from the trophy sponsors for the IMAFS show, and presents sponsor appreciation gifts. Visits sponsors from time to time to keep in contact and see how club members can benefit from their services.


  • Section 1. All Officers shall be elected for a term of (1) year with the exception of the Vice President and Treasurer who shall serve (2) years.
  • Section 2. All members of the Club are eligible to run for an office with the exception of the active status (see Article 7) and years of club membership as stated in the officers descriptions (see Article 5)
  • Section 3. An announcement of the nomination period will be made through club meetings, the newsletter, and other media as required. All nominations must be submitted to the Executive Board prior to the election.
  • Section 4. The election will be presided over by the Vice President and shall occur at the annual December Christmas party unless decided otherwise by the Executive Board.


  • Section 1. Neither the Officers or Club Members of the Association, past, present, or future, shall be held personally liable for any claim, damage, or debt against the Association or its Members.
  • Section 2. No Member of the Association shall have the right to individual proceeds of the Club finances, assets, or property


  • Section 1. Reporting
    All financial activities must be reported through the Club Treasurer. All club activities, which involve financial transactions, shall be reported to the Treasurer with a balance statement reconciling income and expenses.
  • Section 2. Payment of Club debts
    The Treasurer shall make payment for debts incurred by the Club. All reimbursements shall be submitted with a written receipt. Any payment exceeding $250.00 shall be cosigned by another member of the Executive Board.
    Any officer receiving a check for reimbursement can not be a cosigner on that payment


  • Section 1. Monthly Club Activity Meetings
    There shall be general club membership activity meetings held at least monthly, generally occurring on the second Tuesday of the month, with exemptions as scheduled by the Executive Board.
  • Section 2. Executive Board Meetings
    The Executive Board shall meet at the beginning of the calendar year to discuss Club direction/issues and throughout the year if required to address pertinent Club business.
  • Section 3. Committee meetings
    Committee meetings shall be scheduled and conducted by any Officer or delegate as requested by the Executive Board.


  • Section 1. Authority
    The Executive Board may authorize any Officer to enter into or execute any instrument in the same of and behalf of the Association. Such authority may be general or special. No Officer or Agent shall have any authority to bind the association by any contract or agreement in any amount unless so authorized by the Executive Board.


  • Section 1. Advertisements
    Advertisements may be published in the Club newsletter, on flyers/banners/etc, and the website. Such ads must be relevant to the club interests and shall not be offensive or discriminatory in nature. The executive board shall make decisions regarding content not consistent with these guidelines. All revenue gained though the Newsletter shall be forwarded to the Treasurer.
  • Section 2. Electronic Media
    Electronic communication and the Club website shall be safeguarded as much as possible to avoid possible abuse. Distribution of electronic messages shall be utilized by Club Officers or approved designees. No electronic addresses shall be given to anyone outside the club or for any other reason besides Club business. NUMOA does not accept responsibility for any damages arising from use of electronic means related to the Club or its Members. Links provided on the Club website must be related to interests of the club and may not exist solely for marketing purposes unless the link is provided for a Club sponsor or an Honorary Member’s establishment. The current webmaster shall make decisions regarding site content and may solicit input from the Club officers as needed. If links are used on the site they must be checked frequently by the Webmaster for validity. All revenue gained though the Website shall be forwarded to the Treasurer.


  • Section 1.Rules
    The rules contained in the current edition of “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not consistent with these By-laws and any special rules of order that the Club may adopt.


  • Section 1. The current original revision of the Club By-laws shall be made available for review to the general club membership on the website and will be available for review by any Member.
  • Section 2. The Secretary shall keep a copy of the current By-laws on record and will make this document open to all Club Members at reasonable times and or by appointment.


  • Section 1. By Members
    New By-laws may be adopted or current By-laws may be amended or repealed by a 2/3 majority vote of the general membership. Such additions or changes must be submitted to the Executive Board in writing along with explanations of such actions. The proposed changes will be presented to the General Membership via the Club Newsletter. Voting will commence at the following monthly Club meeting and by written proxy of those not able to attend.
  • Section 2. By the Executive Board
    The Executive Board may adopt, amend, or repeal By-laws. To become effective such actions must be presented to the club as described above in Section 1.
  • Section 3. Restrictions
    Not less than (6) months must elapse between a vote defeating a proposed amendment or repeal, and a new presentation of the same or substantially the same amendment or repeal.