2023 NUMOA Christmas Party!!!

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Date: 12/01/2023 (Fri.)

Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm MST

Location: 12232 S 3200 W, Riverton, UT 84065

Cost: $20 per person, please pay at the door

We have created a signup genius for the Annual Christmas Party.  The purpose of this one is just to help us get a headcount of who will be there so that we can coordinate with the caterers.  All you need to bring is your Christmas cheer and some funds for admission, raffles, and auction.  So please take the time to complete the signup genius and make your plans now to attend.  It should be a great evening.  And don’t forget that your attendance is important not only to celebrate a great year, but also to elect the 2024 officers of NUMOA.

Please follow this link and let us know if you plan to attend the party.  I hope to see you there.  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0A4CAEAA28A4FA7-46266620-numoa

Details about the 2024 officer elections:

As we move into the new year, we need to elect new officers for 2024.  Voting will take place at our annual Christmas Party.  So, if you needed one more reason to attend the party, here it is.

The positions that will be open for someone to run for are:

  • Vice President (2);
  • Secretary (2);
  • Treasurer/Membership (2);
  • Activities Chair;
  • Show/Trip Chair;
  • Newsletter;
  • Tech Advisor;
  • Webmaster;
  • IMAFS Co-chair; and
  • Sponsor Liaison.

A detailed description of each position is found in our by-laws, a link to which can be found on our website under “About Us” and then in the 2023 officer section at the bottom.  It should be noted, however, that for several of the offices some important criteria are that you must and active member, current on your dues, and you must have at least 2 years’ experience as a member.  Those positions are noted with a (2).  Thankfully, we already have a couple of candidates for a couple positions; IMAFS Co-Chair candidate, Nolan Parker and Tech Advisor candidate, Mustang Doug Liechty.  And I personally hope the Jack Sanford will agree to continue as Newsletter Editor.  If you have enjoyed your membership this year, please consider running for an office and adding your voice to help NUMOA grow bigger and better.  We have great institutional knowledge from our longtime member with great support, so don’t be bashful.

If you have any questions, please contact our Vice President and the 2024 President Elect, Guy Brown at [email protected] he will be running the elections.

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