International Auto Expo Jan 13-16

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We have a spot for 20 Mustangs in the International Auto Expo on January 13-16 at the Mountain America Expo Center. If you want to enter a car contact Mustang Doug Liechty at [email protected] or 801-360-7421. Move in and set up will be Thursday January 12 at 2 pm to 7 pm. You cannot have more than 1/4 Tank of gas. We will unhook the batteries and tape the gas caps. They will rope them off for us. Take down and exit will be Monday evening. All exhibitors will get 2 badges for the weekend.

If you are interested and can help support this event and our club’s participation in it, please contact Mustang Doug or me with your RSVP and he will put together a will call list for the club.

A special thanks to Mustang Doug for his efforts in keeping in events like this one.

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